Good Life Kombucha comes from Boulder Colorado where people live healthy and sustainable lives. They also love their Kombucha. This is a therapeutic drink in support of good health. Founded in 2005 by owner and cancer survivor Katie Smith, the company has grown over the years and now donates a portion of its profits to cancer research. The main focus is to embody the Colorado lifestyle and tell the company’s story.

This bottle label tells of the healthy lifestyles of those in Colorado. The color scheme was chosen from the purple mountains in the logo lockup. As well as to match the flavor of the drink; “raspberry lemon”. The typefaces that were used were Noteworthy and Helvetica. Noteworthy reflected a simplistic style and Helvetica worked for the standard label portions. What was also included was an emblem on the front stating that 2% of profits are donated to cancer research. This was to ensure buyers knew how much the company cares and supports this cause.
Kombucha Bottle

Kombucha Bottle
