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Window Tint Philadelphia PA

Your Windshield Repair Business - Tips for Success

If you have found yourself considering opening up a windshield repair business, one factor you're going to be confronted with almost immediately is "where am I going to do this work?" There are many options available, so let's explore a few of them.
Some windshield repair entrepreneurs have been known to set up shop and operate their business out of a motor home or other large vehicle. If you make high quality, eye-catching signs for both sides and the back of the motor home, you have a traveling billboard with which to advertise your blossoming windshield repair business.
A car dealer, gas station, or convenience store may allow you to set up on their premises, for mutual benefit, possibly even at little or no charge. Other new business owners may choose to set up at the local flea market or swap meet for a nice low cost-per-square-foot, including space for clients to easily pull up right next to you for their auto glass repair needs.
It is generally best to set up your glass repair business in places where people are going to stop anyway - places such as a restaurant, store, automotive store, service station, strip mall... just about any busy well-trafficked area where you can obtain any needed permission to locate your glass repair business there. An ideal place would be at an intersection with a traffic light or stop sign, as you'll then have captive passers-by all throughout each day.
The price you'll have to pay for your windshield repair business location is usually going to be determined by the property owner. The cost could be free, or it could be paid via a percentage of your daily receipts, or you might be expected to pay a fixed amount per day, per week, or per month.
It is absolutely imperative to have bold, clear, easy to read, professional quality signs and/or banners with which to advertise your windshield repair business, whether you use a motor home, a tent, a personal residence, or are just working out of your vehicle. You do not want to seem "fly by night," you want to instill confidence in people that you will be there when they need you and do quality work.
If you choose to accept credit cards for windshield repair [http://lasertargeted.com/glassrepair/windshield-repair-kits-sense.html] (and you definitely should), make sure you advertise the fact that people can pay this way. Customers may not always carry enough cash with them, and if their insurance coverage isn't fully comprehensive, they will be extremely grateful that you accept plastic.
You must always charge for the windshield repair according to what the market will bear, and cover your work with a money-back guarantee to inspire confidence in your work. Ultimately, happy customers will result in word of mouth advertising and marketing that you couldn't purchase for any price. Personal testimonials as to the quality of your windshield repair work will go a long way towards ensuring your businesses financial success.
Window Tint Philadelphia PA

Window Tint Philadelphia PA


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