Nostalgic Childhood Memories
My childhood was so precious, just like anyone who was born just before the technologies took over our lives. In this project, I would like to showcase some of my favourite memories from the time I wasn’t an adult. And I can tell, most of the third world kids from the 90’s will enjoy them.
When I wasn’t an adult, tadpoles where everywhere. Even in the sewers on the sides of roads! The water is now polluted and the tadpoles in the sewers disappeared. They were thought to be some kind of fish. We realised they weren’t fish when they grew legs.
In the old days, projects in the schools were simple and engaging. Like collecting feathers of birds. We went to the groves and we went to the river shores. Every new feather we found made us happy. King fishers had the bluest feathers. Black-hooded oriole probably inspired Wiz Khalifa to write Black and Yellow. Sometimes we were short on feathers, we even plucked them right out of Roosters!
This kid is trying to put the tape back to the tape recorder cassette. He is definitely enjoying it as much as a Gen Z kid would enjoy his iphone 12. Maybe more? The TVs were thick and the shows in it were thick too.
Have you ever raced your refill against your friends’? Its not only fun but beautiful to watch too. The trails of the ink on the water create beautiful patterns that will make you awed. 
The summer holidays for schools were 2 months long and that made many of us rethink our life choices. If we can make a 50 rupees profit from this business per day, why should we waste our time studying? Turns out, 50 rupees a day isn’t enough to live and you won’t make 50 rupees since you are eating all the candies you bought to sell.
This is an illustration of a kid enjoying race on an areca palm leaf. One person pulls the leaf while the other enjoys a not-so-comfortable ride on the other side of the leaf. In the old days no young areca palm leaves sang farewell songs for the fallen ones. 
One of the most beautiful things about my childhood is the river near my home. It was the place we hung out for hours. This illustration is about an encounter a kid has when he dives underwater with the help of a big stone.
Thank You!


