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3 Counting Activities for Preschoolers

Early development skills are some of the most important things you can impart to your child. While children naturally assimilate the language, behavior, and spatial awareness only through observation, parent and sibling modeling is extremely important in refining these patterns within your child’s mind.

Children learn and connect to this world through play. Here are three fun ways your children can learn life skills and play at the same time.

Measuring Cups
If you have a well-behaved child, baking is an excellent way to teach counting, addition, and even basic fraction skills. Measure out all of your ingredients that need to go in the bowl, and then count with your child just how many cups you dump in together. As time goes on, you can even start having them measure out with you as well.

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3 Counting Activities for Preschoolers

3 Counting Activities for Preschoolers


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