Tin Squirrel Ltd's profile

The Partnership: Company Brochure.

2002: When I joined The Partnership I was tasked with coming up with a new company brochure.
Discussions over the usual formats and their various pros and cons began and eventually we
agreed on a large format square brochure, akin to a coffee-table photo book.
As with most jobs that an agency does for itself, this project took a backseat on a daily basis
to paying work. And never got finished...even though I spent what seems like an eternity doing
idea after idea, spread after spread.
It now exists only as some disparate examples of what could have been.
I did have a good time working on the various drafts though.
The Partnership: Company Brochure.

The Partnership: Company Brochure.

+ Graphic Design + Brochure Design + Copywriting + Art Direction
