Welfare Society
is a special place to sell antiques, as it has been around for a long time. therefore, this brand is a place in the center of promotes the sale of things that have lost their value to the outside world in front of here, you may find all that is valuable.
is a special place to sell antiques, as it has been around for a long time. therefore, this brand is a place in the center of promotes the sale of things that have lost their value to the outside world in front of here, you may find all that is valuable.
Main Logos
The main logo of Welfare Society consists of a badge and icon
Please don’t attempt to modify any part of the logo or attempt to redesign it.
Welfare Society Logo in color
It is preferable to use the main logo or any alternate Welfare Society logo in full color on a white background at all times.
The gray logo is used if the cost of printing the logo in full color is prohibited or if the logo is requested in special applications.
Welfare Society logo should appear in white only or on a colored background in colors forming GALLERY
In some cases, with promotions or gifts, the logo may appear prominent, not prominent, or imprinted (notebook, volume …).
The logo can be used on a black background.

Identity Applications
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Welfare Society

Welfare Society
