Art Direction | Brand Design | Logo Design | Print Production | Website | Institutional & Website Video

Inovação Gov is a consulting company that develops administrative modernization projects supported by IT solutions. Specialization in government and NGOs.

Represent: 1. quality, inovation, modernization, power and efficiency; 2. government & NGO specialization; 3. the idea of changing and improving methods and processes.

•  LOGO SYMBOL - A phoenix to represent the changes that the company provides: the burn of the old and the born of the new, using an institutional symbol style, connecting to government. The phoenix looks to the right, where the sun rises, symbolizing progress. The wings are open and higher than the body to represent leadership. The fire is placed by "cards" fading that symbolizes the flow of changes of administrative processes. 
•  LOGO TYPE  - The company name has an institutional serif font that gives a feeling of trust, acting as well as an aplifier of the government idea. The slogan font is a modern sans serif that represents the modernization product that the company offers. 
•  COLORS - The logo counts with two styles of colors: a traditional golden (elegant, deluxe, traditional, top company, reserved to some clients and presentations) and a modern blue (fresh, technology, new, modern, color of the flames of a full combustion, reserved to some clients and presentations). The branding counts with two styles of colors - dark navy blue (to be used with the golden logo) and white (to be used with the blue logo).
•  The website, folders, flyers and presentations identities were built integrating pictures of people with relaxed faces to connect to the social aspect of the company.

 ® & © Brazil 2019

Inovação Gov

Inovação Gov
