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Single cover for song "Maybe", 2020

Artist Olivia Nyström had a clear vision of her next single cover for the song Maybe. This made the project a true collaboration. She showed me some work that had the right vibes an together we put down some sketches, as follows:

A person, holding flowers, facing away in anticipation.
A hand, facing us with some florals growing from it, and the title submerged in the flower burst.
A girl, blowing a gandelion, as if making a wish (this one hit close to home because Olivia's logo is a dandelion)
And, lastly, a hand, holding a dandelion, blowing away in the wind.

We ended up going for the last option, and discussed colorscheme. The client had a vision involving blues, yellows, and whites. I sketched some color directly on the draft, and she was happy with it. When both motif and colorscheme were pinned down, I could continue to create the linework.
Sketching drafts stage, brainstorming together with the customer.
I usually draw the motif in graphite forst, then ink it (media depends) and sometimes I correct lines gone wrong directly on the paper. This time i cleaned up the linework digitally.
Here is the original scan of the linework.
On to coloring! I try and keep the original paper texture as much as I can, this creates life and dimension in the piece. Since the scan didn't give an even paper texture I had to even it out with the stamp tool. Once I was happy with the result, i colorised the background portion.

I also created a decorative element that I texturised with some watercolor brushes. Since the linework is very prominent in my pieces, I wanted to play with it further, and made a yellow flare on the dandelion seeds flying away.

The song name was added digitally.
Here is a close-up of the piece. Since I work in raster I make sure the pieces are crazy big! :)
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Single cover for song "Maybe", 2020


Single cover for song "Maybe", 2020
