M&M is a family business with 10 years of experience in the production and distribution of organic fertilizers. The company was founded by Álvaro Montero Sr. and Álvaro Montero Jr., who decided to use the initials of their surnames to identify their product.

Currently, it has passed into the hands of the next generation and as the first task in charge of the company, Fabiola Montero decided to give it a makeover and redesign the logo with the intention of giving it a more modern appearance, highlighting the family brand name but preserving the scheme of color and isotype.

The hierarchy of the original logo assigned more importance to the product than to the brand, so I decided to modify that hierarchy highlighting M&M but preserving the original elements.
The family stressed the importance of not losing the essence of the logo with which their customers identify.
M&M logo redesign


M&M logo redesign
