Inspired by Rick Wakeman "The Red Planet".
Where fact and imagination meet.
As from last July the "Perseverance rover" is on its way to Mars. The aim is to take scientific data to see if the planet is to be made liveable for humans in the future among other goals. 
Via the website of NASA one could get a "Boarding Pass" for this mission. Among with almost 11.000.000 other people from around the world I am currently on board and on my way to Mars. Our names engraved on three chips aboard "Perseverance", what a way to almost live forever.
The image was made by listening to the latest album of Rick Wakeman. The photograph's used where kindly provided by NASA and the Hubble project.
By the way, no face masks on board. A little crowded but it is party time now. Have nice weekend.

The Red Planet


The Red Planet
