Smoke & Ashes 
Happy Birthday! Live Long. 
शहर : हबीबगंज
The Reason Is You
धूम्रपान स्वास्थ के लिए हानिकारक । 
Nothing can hold you from growing. 
Tracking my thoughts with smoke all around. 
She smells of Cigarette and Sadness. 
Let's get high and divorce.
There's no stopping.
चिंगारी हूँ ,
कभी धुआँ हूँ मैं
तो कभी जल कर गिर जाने वाली राख हूँ मैं !
Surrender to be free. 
One touch and I ignite.
Don't test the monster in me. 
Destroy it before it destroys you.
Smoke & Ashes

Smoke & Ashes
