Book: Code And Run
Author: Swarupjyoti Ghosh
Publishers: Power Publishers
Year of publication:2020
Me Swarupjyoti Ghosh is teaching java to students for last few  years, and like to solve problems in algorithms. This book contains collection of several algorithms. As it is said about the algorithm “Great Algorithms are poetry of computation. just like verse, they can be terse,allusive,dense,and even mysterious. But once unlocked , they cast brilliant new light on some aspect of computing.”
Some of the problems are common e.g. permutation of elements which
generally done in recursive way in most all the books, but here it is done in non recursive way, the Sudoku program will continuously create a new problem of Sudoku and solve the problem each time. Giftshare program able to distribute gifts among two brothers with minimum difference of price. But i worked very hard with the program realm which can play a chess game with human being, Although it is not a very strong chess player but it can play chess at elementary  level, and not very hard to understand hope it will inspire budding chess programmers  in future.   
All the programs i have written, is written in Bluej editor because it is a student friendly editor and very easy to write and run the programs, and all the programs are  running smoothly in my system.
At the end i want quote a biblical verse and thank almighty.
“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. “
And at the end my favorite verse from bible 
Ideas & Suggestions about cover design:
If possible these figures can be combined.

Code And Run


Code And Run
