Form & Space (Rational)
Project brief - To create a Piet Mondrian experience Exhibition by using plationic solids and openings to create an interesting sculptural form that guides the users journey.
Mondrian Research
Model Development: playing with shapes and openings
Model shots taken of the finished Mondrian Exhibition
Form & Function
Project - To design a wall mounted light fitting for a restaurant of our choice, taking into consideration not only its appearance but also creating an adjustable mechanism for the light to provide two alternative lighting effects.
Material Experiments
Lighting Experiments
Mechanism Development
Mechanism Development
Design Development
Image showing the finished light fitting in place - (With Photoshop)
Site Context - Free standing form, Information and waiting booth
Project - Commissioned by the Tate Modern to design a waiting and information booth. The booth is to function as a meeting place, waiting space, for latecomers to a lecture to sit and watch the performance on a monitor and there should be space for four people.
Site Context - Architectural Space
Project - To choose a space that is located beween current buildings, that can form a site for a Retail/ Exhibition space for cultural artifacts.
The finished model within the site context                             The interior of the retail/ exhibition space
(Photoshop)                                                                                 (Model making)
Year 1 Projects

Year 1 Projects

Projects from my first year in BA Interior Architecture & Design. First year covering - Design Development: Research & Analysis - introduces th Read More
