these are some of the t-shirts I painted through last three years. They are mostly connected with different fandoms, though I »do« make commissions c: I tried to remember what was the chronological order.
the first t-shirt ever made - it was supposed to be destroyed in summer mudball match in Finland, 2010, but I was too lazy to play.
this was part of the project where every attendant of the camp was supposed to create a t-shirt commemorating the blast.
a quotation from BBC's Sherlock (these particular words were spoken in S01E01 by Mycroft Holmes).
the Raconteurs - band's shirt.
part of my school project - my assignment was to design 3 pieces of clothing and actually create of those and that seemed the easiest option. Custom - sewed.
Finn the Human from Adventure Time. He has a habit of crying "Rhombus!" out loud, hence the speech bubble.
A quick one, just to match my clothes. The space before the 's is the place where I usually put my "π" button.
Schmëerskåhøvên was a parody of Macarena from Pinky and the Brain show, the dance was  stupifying everyone around (that's how you rule tha nation!).
thanks for watching!
t-shirts yaaay