Hotel limbo
Hotel Limbo introduces you eigth stories
about Italians that for several reasons
are nowadays homeless.
Some of them even did not let
themselves get caught, some others
were either distant or suffered in silence
while hiding ever-darkening spots.
We decided to focus on the ways we
perceived their silences. We symbolically represent
their silences with small black dots which vary
depending on our perceived suffering.
The small black dots contain a number and
this number shows the actual duration of the
interviewee’s silence.
In addition, we used interview data QrCode to
supplement textual data.

Lab. Comunicazione visiva I, Iuav Venezia
Prof. Leonardo Sonnoli
Students: Aura Masciopinto, Maria Grazia Vesco, Sara Giubelli, Silvia Schiavo.
Hotel Limbo

Hotel Limbo

Hotel Limbo introduces you eigth stories about Italians that for several reasons are nowadays homeless. Some of them even did not let themselves Read More
