Langtang trek 
What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you're thinking about traveling? It's a unique and fun adventure for me. I was in grade 8 when I was on a hike for the first time, it was so much fun walking down with my friends feeling that nature was something very different, and since then I've loved to travel more and more. Langtang trek was also something that was full of first experiences and fun. Note: When you're traveling the basic stuff, whether it's your first trip or you're a seasoned globetrotter, it's always helpful to have a list of the travel essentials that you might want to pack for your vacation, always carrying things that are very much needed, because trekking might make us more difficult.
Day 1  :(Kathmandu to Syabru Basi )
Wow first day of trekking, well, my level of excitement was up-to the next stage, dreaming of how it was going to be, I had a conflicting sensation somewhere that I was concerned of, yet at the same moment, I was getting excited. We continue our journey early in the morning and travel from Kathmandu to Syabru Besi by a 6-7 hour bus. We travel north out of Kathmandu, going through the beautiful foothills and ridgeline views of Syabru Besi, going through Dhunche. As we walk along the road on the bank of the Trishuli River, we can see Ganesh Himal, the terraces and the green hills. As we move through Dhunche, we sound like we're heading for a deep place. Please note that the first part of your drive to Trishuli Bazaar is very smooth. Instead the route passes down a gravel road. It was our first day of trekking that everyone was excited about, we had a good meal, and then we just sat there for a brief meeting about do and don't while trekking (which is a must) and we all began to sing and dance it was pretty fun.
The person with the guitar in his hand is our guide, he was such a cool person that I have to say.
Day 2 : (Syabru Basi to Lama Hotel)
Then the very next day (Day 2) the actual trek started at 7:30 a.m. Trekking was a different experience for most of us, we didn't even think about it. We were very eager to make a chain and continue walking. We were all walking along the river, singing, and laughing at the sound of the river was something so pleasant.
Lunch spot view❤️
At around 1 we reached a spot named Bamboo, where we wanted to have lunch. After lunch, we started walking to meet our destination for the day that was the lama hotel. That day's trek trial was too difficult for us because we had to walk to the mountains at the height of 2480 m, and it was also our first day, and we weren't quite experienced either. While we were going, we could see the local people putting their goods in the back of the donkeys, as there were means of transport.
. At around 4 p.m. we reached our destination day 1(Lama Hotel). Talking about that spot, it's up in height, so you're not going to get the network up there. Every night, you might see a stunning star out there, so I'm fortunate enough to see my first shooting star.
Day 3: (Lama hotel to Mundu via langtang)
Early in the morning we had our breakfast and then we began our journey again, we started working on a chain line. From Lama Hotel, we begin the ascent over Langtang Khola. When the track continues, it becomes steeper. We have the most exotic sights of Langtang Lirung lying at 7246 metres. The track leads to a log bridge and, as we ascend higher, we come across the green meadows of Ghoda Tabela at 3000 m (where we had lunch). We'll see a couple of lodges and a police checkpoint. Further on, the path opens up into a large valley of yak pastures and dispersed Tamang villages with water-driven mills and prayer wheels. Then we entered Mundu at a top altitude of 3430 m from the village of Langtang. Langtang Village was heavily destroyed during the earthquake of 2015, but the Tamang people have now largely been restored and the region is once again accessible to trekkers.
Here's a glimpse of the place after the earthquake
Glimpse of the moment we enjoyed at the night and also the picture of the place
The view of langtang himal from mundu 
Day 4: ( Mundu to Kyangjin Gompa )
After having had breakfast and tea in the morning, we started walking to our last destination (Kyangjin Gompa) from Mundu to Kyangjin for about 3 hours. As we went to our last destination on the walk, my friends and I paused for a bit to meet up with our other mates, so in the meantime, we wanted to light a fire, my mates picked up some sticks so burned them. We were quite hungry so we just had one packet of noodles so my friend suggested to have it by boiling it so he took a packet and added some water to it then he kept the packet at a fire which was so surprising for me because I had no idea about it, I was like is it possible but it was I must say it was so yummy maybe because we were hungry or what is it but it was too much satisfying.
When we got the noodles then it began to snow, it was my first snow ever I was so happy about it.
(The river flowing from the himalayas)
We entered the hotel at around 1 o'clock, it was expected to be a 3-hour walk, but because of the snowfall, it stretched up to 4 hours while we were enjoying the moment out there. We had lunch and stayed there enjoying singing and dancing, and we played cards that were really fun, but at the same time, we were sad because we couldn't see how amazing that place might be because of the snow. We could not explore the region and visit the monastery and the cheese factory and even walk up the moraine to see the magnificent ice faces and the steep glaciers of Langtang Lirung or climb Kyangjin Ri [4350 m], right behind the town, for a stunning view of the Langtang peaks that we wanted to see.
Day5: (Returning from kyangjin Gompa to Ghoda Tabela) 
It was supposed to be till lama hotel, but due to heavy snowfall, we shortened the day's trek. We woke up early in the morning; it's been snowing all the time since yesterday. Yet we didn't stay there because we had our itinerary to pursue, so we wanted to go on the mountain. We built a chain line and followed our guide and my 2-3 friends who helped us demonstrate the path in the snow where we could see having it and I thanked them for that. The snow was on our feet, it was very challenging to walk, but they worked hard to find the route.
That is how he was making a way for us. (Video courtesy of Dome Sherpa the one who helped us leads the way) Imagine walking on the snow that's up to our knees and it's already snowing, the icy breezing air was very rough and our foot was frozen and at some stage I felt like giving up, but the support I received from my friends and teachers helped a lot. We first entered Mundu and had lunch and then went on to Ghoda Tabela, where we slept overnight.
Day 6: (Ghoda tabela to Sybhru Besi )
As I went to have breakfast with all my friends, they were laughing at the state of our shoes and socks. This is all just frost so it was really difficult to wear it, but we didn't have a choice but to wear it because we didn't have another pair of shoes.  It was our last day of trek back to Sybhrubasi that day. Although the snow had stopped rising, but there was still snow everywhere, the place looked so beautiful when it had stopped snowing, so when the sun had come out, we were all so delighted to see it. After 2 hours of walking, the snow started to melt, but the roads became more unstable because of it. The snow was gone before entering the Lama hotel. We sat there for 15 minutes and then went down to the bamboo, where we had lunch. We finally got to Sybhrubasi, it was our last night of the journey, so we all wanted to have fun at night, so we did a barbecue, party, and sing. It was a lot of fun with all of them.
The following day, the 7th Day  we drove back to Kathmandu with lots of memories. Stuff wraps up, but images live forever.  
The glimpse of our first trek to langtang 🥰
One of my favorite picture ❤️
So these are my overall experiences and reviews 
               Thank you 🙏 
Langtang trek

Langtang trek


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