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The Cutting Edge of Personalized Medicine

Lile Wellness Partners on the Cutting Edge of Personalized Medicine

Personalized medicine (PM) is building on the foundation of General Medicine (GM) but then using an individual's DNA to make an effective medical choice as to whether a prescription drug is harmful or beneficial to the individual. In GM, drugs are prescribed based on the studies of a large population, which provides a recommendation for the average person.  This general prediction can lead to adverse reactions to drugs that are suitable for patients with a particular genetic vulnerability. Conversely, in PM time is taken and technology is utilized to analyze an individual's genetic framework and then to prescribe a drug that will prevent illness or treat an existing health concern.
Lile Wellness Partners also uses PM, as our practices ethos is to utilize scientific technology and excellent client care to offer patients individualized treatment plans. Through analyzing the client's unique genetic profile, our team at Lile Wellness Partners can not only prescribe the most effective drug, we also can take preventative measures when noticing any genetic vulnerabilities. PM's approach of taking these precautions results in patients consuming drugs that are ineffective or damaging due to their genetic variations. This style of precision medicine is well received by clients as they know they are being given personalized prescription based on their distinct genetic markers.

A Closer Look at Benefits of Personalized Medicine
Personalized medicine may be considered an extension of traditional approaches to understanding and treating disease, but with greater precision. An understanding of a patient's gene characteristics can guide the selection of drugs or treatment protocols. The study of the patients DNA also identifies any predisposition to certain diseases. This patient information is made available to medical teams who can them then make an informed decision regarding the most beneficial drug for their client to take.
Clinical practices use the information about patient's genetic makeup, medical history and lifestyle choices to predict illnesses they are susceptible to and to work at preventing them. PM is most beneficial when patients and physicians are able to access their medical records online over the course of their lifetime. This information allows for all medical staff to have the relevant information and make prescriptions based on the distinctive molecular traits of the patients.

How Pharmacogenomics can Assist in Personalized Medicine
In pharmacogenomics, genetic profiles are used to evaluate the appropriacy of a drug for a particular individual. The response that individuals with a certain genetic variation have to particular drugs informs medical on dosage or drug choice. An example of this is when scientists assess unusual genetic characteristics affecting an individual's drug response the same way they assess genetic variation associated with diseases. Then they would compare the drug response of people with a genetic weakness to those who have the whole genome. Modern approaches include multigene examination or whole-genome single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) profiles, and these are being more widely accepted in medical practices for drug investigation and growth.
When studying drug response in subjects, scientists focused on two significant causes. Pharmacokinetics is the scientific term used to describe the amount of a drug that is required to effected area in the body. The second determinant is pharmacodynamics, which examines the response of the cells to the drug.

The Future Lile Wellness Partners sees in Personalized Medicine
There are a number of medical practices and insurance companies are beginning to see the value of PM, but there still needs to be a greater shift.  This would need to be an advance in the classification of diseases at a molecular level. Physicians would have greater access to electronic medical records including genetic profiling. Also for insurance establishments to provide payment for preventative health care as well as in reaction to a medical situation. As the medical community evolves in its understand medical care being both preventative and reactionary, patients will then benefits from a more personalized methods of medical care.

The Cutting Edge of Personalized Medicine

The Cutting Edge of Personalized Medicine


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