Gift Booklet
Mockup of my Gift Booklet for the talk called "A Perfect Brightness of Hope," by Jeffrey R. Holland. 
For my last project of my typography class, I created a gift booklet. It was a very exciting project because we got to choose a talk given by one of the leaders of our church, the typography, the colors, and the layout.

I decided to use white, cream, dark green, orange, and dark blue for my design. I used these colors in different ways so that I could create visual hierarchy between each section of my booklet. 
The page on the left was dedicated to the speaker, while the right side has the beginning of the talk and some basic information. 
The fourth page of the booklet has the continuation of the talk, while the right side has a quote. 
I created some mockups of my favorite pages, but I would like to show you a picture of the rest of the pages of my design. I am excited to apply the things I learned this semester on future projects. 
The twelve pages created for this project. 
Gift Booklet

Gift Booklet


Creative Fields