HUES - An Emotional First Person Adventure Game. Click link in portfolio home page to play.

OVERVIEW - You play as a male who has recently broke up with his partner. The game takes place in a metaphysical world in his mind. He must collect all of the memories in all the rooms. All rooms are dedicated to memories in a certain place or building. Once all memories are collected in a room, The player must collect the big memory of that room and put it on the table in the middle of this metaphysical place. This is a metaphor for keeping your memories safe and remembering in fondness and not anger. The memories are voiced over by myself.

I managed to achieve a 1st for this project.
Platform: Windows PC and Mac
Engine: Unity
Language: C#
Role: Modelling, Scripting, Level Design, Concept and Voice Over

Goals and achievements:
1. Demonstrate my skills in emotional narrative and environmental narrative.
2. To exercise my voice over ability for future projects.
3. To show off my knowledge and improve in metaphysical story-telling.
4. Demonstrate my knowledge in Level Design and Pacing.
5. Simple yet unique mechanics.
Level Map and Mood-boards



Creative Fields