Ivan Reverente's profile

Between Remembering and Forgetting

Fragments of you
In the vacuum of leaving and being left,
People are made.
The loved and lost.
The rejected and the survivor.

Life disciplines in silence.
Teaching when our mentors are gone.
In the light that creates shadows,
The darkness that craves the Sun.

Our comings; and our goings.
Our meetings and departings.
Make of boys, fathers
and women, daughters.

And the people that are made.
In the vacuum of leaving and being left,
Are never lost, just forgotten.

-for those lost, just not forgotten by chataeu bezerra
Nostalgia for the Present
We strive to live in the moment. After all, every such moment is an opportunity to create a story for our future self, and proofs that we once lived. But somehow, the present is always fleeting, and all we can do is save a piece of it. This has left a lot of us obsessively documenting every single moment, compromising its essence. As we desperately try to catch this elusive thing, we begin to feel like a being present in two different states; one documenting the story, the other staring at the attempt to capture the moment with a feeling of nostalgia. However, neither is actually in the present. We strive to live in the moment, only to get out of it.
Self Preservation
In a world where people rejoice in being more and more connected, many have lost their connection to their inner selves. In this age of reinvention, when everything can be a representation of oneself, the goal is to be able to know one’s true, pure self. When every armor is stripped away and every wall, taken down, what remains? Whose voice is heard?
This work is about that attempt to protect that inner connection; to protect a version of ourselves that gets lost amid endless reimaginings; to hear the voice that is our own. 
Between Remembering and Forgetting

Between Remembering and Forgetting

Artworks for a group exhibit.
