Noer Powerpoint rendition image
Noer Powerpoint rendition image
Noer Powerpoint rendition image
Noer Powerpoint rendition image
Noer Powerpoint rendition image
Noer Powerpoint rendition image
Noer Powerpoint rendition image
Noer Powerpoint rendition image
Noer Powerpoint rendition image
Noer Powerpoint rendition image

Noer Powerpoint

NOER is Business Strategy template with more than 30 pages in a minimalist and modern style. Made with a slide master so it's easy to use and customized to your liking. This template is suitable for those who want to show their business in a simple and attractive way. Ideal for marketing, business, corporate, personal, professional use, etc.
Filetype: ZIP
Size: 1.4 MB
License: Standard Commercial License